Sorry I haven't updated this site in months. I have been totally slammed with planning events and working on my own projects. In fact, I am rendering video clips at this very moment. Isn't multitasking fun?
I wanted to announce that I will be performing visuals at the 2011 Maker Faire Bay Area, May 21-22 at the San Mateo County Fairgrounds. I am also co-coordinating the music technology area called the Digital Sound Space.
LoveTech has teamed up with Pulsewave SF to create an interactive performance zone dedicated to new music technology. The Digital Sound Space will feature live performances and visuals from dozens of artists, as well as several different booths where you can meet the makers and experience exciting new music technology.
I will be performing visuals with my new VJ setup. I am using Resolume Avenue, and an Akai LPD8 as a controller. I generated most of my content with analog optical feedback loops. This is a slightly new direction for my visual performance. I have moved away from lugging around a CRT television and an old photo tripod. This new method is much easier and more stable, but still allows me to explore the world of analog video feedback.